Qualifications and Contributions to the Legal Profession
Past President of the Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association
Past President of the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association
Past Chairman of the Tennessee Bench Bar Committee for judges and lawyers across Tennessee
Member of the Nine (9) Lawyer Commission appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court to write the Tennessee Rules of Evidence which are used by the courts of Tennessee
Murfreesboro City Attorney for thirty (30) years
Two (2) of my law partners were elected Circuit Judges
I have been working in the legal field for more than four (4) decades
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My Appointments are Flexible
I offer flexible appointments so that you can find the time to attend office conferences dealing with your particular issues and concerns, like contracts and commercial leases, Estate Planning and Probate, Re-zoning and Land Use, and Employment contracts, Employee Handbooks and Employment issues.
Office Hours 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Cater to Rutherford & Williamson Counties
For local representation call Tom Reed, Attorney at Law. The initial consultation is free. Call our office today to get the process started. My office is in Murfreesboro, but I serve clients from all of Rutherford, Williamson, Wilson and Bedford Counties.


City Attorney of Murfreesboro 30 years, retiring May 2002 (including representation of Murfreesboro Water & Sewer Department, Murfreesboro Electric Department and City Schools during the 30 year period).
Murfreesboro was one of the first cities in the country to come into full compliance with the American with Disabilities Act.
During this 30 year period, Murfreesboro’s population grew more than 300%, with endless right-of-way and property acquisitions for municipal projects, including the initial phase of Stones River Greenway, Old Fort Parkway, Old Fort Park, Old Fort Golf Course, McKnight Park, SportsCom, StarPlex, Barfield Park, Patterson Park, Richard Siegel Park, Cannonsburgh Historic Village, City Hall (library, plaza and parking garage), Relocation of the main sanitary sewer plant from Broad Street to Blanton Drive off Thompson Lane (including the necessary sewer truck line), 60” water trunk line from Percy Priest Lake, Rosebank Storm Water Project, (to relieve MTSU area of flooding), White Blvd Storm Water Project, Southwest Relief Sewer Extension (original), Overall Creek Sewer Extension (adding over 17,000 acres for future development utilizing sanitary sewer), BFI Forced Sewer Main, Buchanan-I-24 Sewer Extension, Siegel Schools (Elementary, Middle, and High School), Cason Lane School, Murfreesboro Main Street Uptown Improvements, Northfield Boulevard, Rutherford Boulevard, Medical Center Parkway, Church Street to I-24, Murfreesboro Electric Headquarters, and Murfreesboro Electric Department’s state of the art Larry Kirk Substation on Thompson Lane.
While City Attorney, I established and administered a self-insured risk fund for the City that continues to save the City more than $1,000,000 annually.
My proudest professional accomplishment was to have participated in writing the Tennessee Rules of Evidence, which are used in all Tennessee courts today [as a member of the Supreme Court Civil Rules Commission appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court, consisting of nine (9) lawyers from across Tennessee, a Supreme Court Justice, and 4 law school professors].
I served as President of the Tennessee Municipal Attorneys Association, and Chair of the Tennessee Bench-Bar Committee, a state-wide committee of judges (trial and appellate) and lawyers. I was appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court.